Now what would supporters of Congressi Deoband say ????? Modi is the worst of the Mushriks, a butcher of Muslims, planning to annihilate all Muslims from India and now he is trying to grab power and Deoband decides to offer full support to this enemy of Rasul Allah (sm) in destroying the Ummah !!
There is a Hadees of Rasul Allah (sm) which says "help your brother, even if he a Zalim or Mazloom". Upon this Sahabas asked Rasul Allah (sm), how can help our brother if he is Zalim??? Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) responded "stop him from the Zulm, this is your help to him" !!
That is why we talk to all those who support Deoband. Stop the Deobandis from supporting Modi and TTP !! They are Zalims and all those who are supporting Mushriks and Khawarij are also greatest of Zalims !!!
There is a Hadees of Rasul Allah (sm) which says "help your brother, even if he a Zalim or Mazloom". Upon this Sahabas asked Rasul Allah (sm), how can help our brother if he is Zalim??? Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) responded "stop him from the Zulm, this is your help to him" !!
That is why we talk to all those who support Deoband. Stop the Deobandis from supporting Modi and TTP !! They are Zalims and all those who are supporting Mushriks and Khawarij are also greatest of Zalims !!!