From today, the Urdu book would be available in all book stores of FEROZ SONS pvt ltd, the oldest brand name of Pakistan in Publishing quality books for the last 5 generations MashAllah. The publishing of this epic book is a joint venture of BrassTacks and Ferozsons and now all outlets of Feroozsons in Karachi, Lahore and Pindi would sell these masterpieces.
The sale price of this epic is Rs: 3000/- (three thousand).
If you do not have Ferozsons outlets in your cities, contact your nearest bookstore. They will get it from Ferozsons. All book stores keep books of Ferozsons and will happily arrange copies of our book for you.
If you are student and cannot afford the book, ask your school, collage or university library to arrange the book for you. They will get it from Ferozsons for you to read without having to buy it yourself.
All those who are outside Pakistan, pl contact the following email address of Ferozsons. Their export division will dispatch the book to you in your country.
Those who are outside the country can also ask their friends and family to buy the book in Pakistan and then send it to you through some family member or friend. The book is published by the largest, most reputable and oldest publisher of Pakistan and there are no issues in its export or sending it outside Pakistan.
You can buy directly from BrassTacks office in Pindi.
Our office phones are : +92 51 5598046,7
Shami or Saeed will take your details and will inform you on how to send the funds. We can dispatch anywhere within Pakistan inshAllah. you may to pay some extra postage cost, else you can visit us and pick your copy personally.
You can send us cheques, drafts or direct account transfer to BrassTacks or send via easypaisa type services.
Those outside the country can use Western Union.
Please send me email directly and we shall send you bank details also.
There are some members who want to buy more copies and want us to distribute the books among those who deserve to have this epic. We shall do this duty for them.
This is NOT an ordinary book, this is a milestone in creating a greater Pakistan on the march towards Takmeel. This is not just a romantic journey for your soul but also a source of halal rizq for the mission which keeps this mission afloat. We never ask for donations but prefer to earn through our projects and books. This halal rizq brings barakah which you see in this mission today, alhamdolillah.
One request : please read the above post 3 times :)) all questions have already been answered. follow the guidelines. Any confusion, contact our office directly.
Barak Allah feekum. May Allah give infinite barakah to Pak Sarzameen and bless this Ummat e Marhoom in dunya and Akhira !
Mubarak once again. This is your moment to contribute to the mission!
و رفعنا لك ذكرك
ReplyDeleteصلى الله عليه و اله وسلم
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
الف مراً شکر الحمداللّٰہ
ماشااللّٰہ ۔۔۔۔ ماشااللّٰہ ۔۔۔۔ ماشااللّٰہ ۔۔۔۔ مبروک
بہت .............۔جزاک اللّٰہ خیراً۔۔
It's not a co-incidence that the romantic spiritual and historical journey of Afghan Jihad of our utmost respected sipah salaar which changed the entire geo politics of the region was started in March 1986 and now after 28 yrs in the very month of March the epic master piece is alhamdolillah launched on National level mashaAllah .... This is indeed the barakah and khair e kaseer and rizq e kareem from which the entire Muslim Ummah take faiz inshaAllah.
Mubarak to Ferozsons mashaAllah .... who are chosen for this infinite sadqua e jaria and khair e kaseer! MashaAllah we remember that from very childhood we used to read their published books.
MashaAllah ....... mashaAllah ... its a moment of shukar .... Indeed "This is your moment to contribute to the mission!"
May our utmost revered and beloved Sayyadi Murshadi Rasul Allah sallal laho alihe wa alehe wasallam will be extremely immensely razi with this humble hadya of our utmost respected sipah salaar. May this time we DO NOT repeat our blunders which we did after soviet withdrawal. ameen sallal laho alihe wa alehe wasallam ... MashaAllah there is a reason why Allah swt chosen this time to publish this epic to know the Salahuddin of our times mashaAllah in all this despair and when the US forces are partially or fully withdrawal from the graveyard of empires!
"This is NOT an ordinary book, this is a milestone in creating a greater Pakistan on the march towards Takmeel. This is not just a romantic journey for your soul but also a source of halal rizq for the mission which keeps this mission afloat. We never ask for donations but prefer to earn through our projects and books. This halal rizq brings barakah which you see in this mission today, alhamdolillah. "