Another Muslim nation of humble and innocent Muslims brought down by the Crusaders! This time it is Mali ! Still, the world says Muslims are the terrorists. Still, the Muslim leaders fight within each other to survive, taking the help of the crusaders. Still, the Muslim lands are divided, carved and dismembered by the enemies like vultures of dead carcases.
There is no leadership in the Muslim world today to defend the honor of the Ummah. Why? We are humiliated because we follow the kuffar, their Riba based economy, their kufr democracy, their anglo-saxon judiciary and we are shamed of following the Shariat. We are ashamed of following Khilafat e Rashida. We are afraid of living like a Muslims. We feel ashamed at being a Muslim and Allah humiliates us at the hands of Kuffar.
We are very very sad and hurt. By Allah, we count each and every atrocity of the Kuffar and we will take revenge for this Muslim genocide. These crimes make us stronger in our belief that our salvation, dignity, respect and security lies in deploying the systems of Khilafat e Rashida alone. For this mission we live and for this mission we die inshAllah.

“it would send 2,500 troops to support Malian government soldiers in the conflict against Islamist rebels. France has already deployed around 750 troops to Mali, and French carriers arrived in Bamako on Tuesday morning…..So this is the official narrative of France and those who support it. And of course this is what is widely reported by the mainstrem media.
We will continue the deployment of forces on the ground and in the air…..
We have one goal. To ensure that when we leave, when we end our intervention, Mali is safe, has legitimate authorities, an electoral process and there are no more terrorists threatening its territory.” [1]
France is supported by other NATO members. US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta confirmed that the US was providing intelligence to French forces in Mali. [2] Canada, Belgium, Denmark and Germany have also publicly backed the French incursion, pledging logistical support in the crackdown on the rebels. [3]
If we are to believe this narrative we are misled again about the real reasons. A look at Mali’s natural resources reveals what this is really about.
Mali’s natural resources [4] (emphasis added)

Mali currently has seven operating gold mines which include: Kalana and Morila in Southern Mali, Yatela, Sadiola and Loulo in Western Mali, and mines which have recently restarted production notably Syama and Tabakoto. Advanced gold exploration projects include: Kofi, Kodieran, Gounkoto, Komana, Banankoro, Kobada and Nampala.
Uranium: encouraging signs and exploration in full swing. Exploration is currently being carried out by several companies with clear indications of deposits of uranium in Mali. Uranium potential is located in the Falea area which covers 150 km² of the Falea- North Guinea basin, a Neoproterozoic sedimentary basin marked by significant radiometric anomalies. Uranium potential in Falea is thought to be 5000 tonnes. The Kidal Project, in the north eastern part of Mali, with an area of 19,930 km2, the project covers a large crystalline geological province known as L’Adrar Des Iforas. Uranium potential in the Samit deposit, Gao region alone is thought to be 200 tonnes.
Diamonds: Mali has potential to develop its diamond exploration: in the Kayes administrative region (Mining region 1), thirty (30) kimberlitic pipes have been discovered of which eight are show traces of diamonds. Some eight small diamonds have been picked in the Sikasso administrative region (southern Mali).
Precious stones consist of the following and can be found in:
- Circle of Nioro and Bafoulabe: Garnets and rare magnetic minerals
- Circle of Bougouni and Faleme Basin: Pegmatite minerals
- Le Gourma – garnet and corindons
- L’Adrar des Ilforas – pegmatite and metamorphosing minerals
- Hombori Douentza Zone: quartz and carbonates
Calcarous rock deposits: 10 million tonnes est. ( Gangotery), 30 million tonnes est. ( Astro) and Bah El Heri ( Nord de Goundam) 2.2 Million tonnes est.
- Copper: potentialities in Bafing Makan ( Western Region) and Ouatagouna ( Northern Region)
- Marble : Selinkegny ( Bafoulabe) 10.6 MT estimated reserves and traces at Madibaya
- Gypsum: Taoudenit ( 35 MT est.), Indice Kereit ( Nord de Tessalit) 0.37 MT est.
- Kaolin: Potential estimated reserves ( 1MT) located in Gao ( Northern Region)
- Phosphate: Reserve located at Tamaguilelt, production of 18,000 t/per annum and an estimated potential of 12 million tonnes. There are four other potential deposits in the North of 10 million tonnes.
- Lithium: Indications in Kayes ( Western Region) and estimated potential of 4 million tonnes in Bougouni ( Southern Region)
- Bitumen schist: Potential estimated at 870 million tonnes, indications found in Agamor and Almoustrat in the Northern Region.
- Lignite: Potential estimated at 1.3 million tonnes, indications found in Bourem ( Northern Region)
- Rock Salt: Estimated potential of 53 million tonnes in Taoudenni ( Northern Region)
- Diatomite: Estimated potential of 65 million tonnes in Douna Behri ( Northern Region)
Mali’s Petroleums potential has been documented since the 1970’s where sporadic seismic and drilling revealed probable indications of oil. With the increasing price of global oil and gas resources, Mali has stepped up its promotion and research for oil exploration, production and potential exports. Mali could also provide a strategic transport route for Sub-Saharan oil and gas exports through to the Western world and there is the possibility of connecting the Taoudeni basin to European market through Algeria.
Work has already begun to reinterpret previously gathered geophysical and geological data collected, focussing on five sedimentary basins in the North of country including: Taoudeni, Tamesna, Ilumenden, Ditch Nara and Gao.
So here we have it
Whatever is reported by the mainstream media, the goal of this new war is no other than stripping yet another country of its natural resources by securing the access of international corporations to do it. What is being done now in Mali through bombs and bullets is being done to Ireland, Greece, Portugal and Spain by means of debt enslavement.
And the people suffer and die
The Guardian reported 2 days ago [5] :
“The human toll has not yet been calculated, but a communique read on state television late Saturday said that at least 11 Malians were killed in Konna.Who knows what the death toll is today.
“Sory Diakite, the mayor of Konna, says the dead included children who drowned after they threw themselves into a river in an effort to escape the bombs.
“Others were killed inside their courtyards, or outside their homes. People were trying to flee to find refuge. Some drowned in the river. At least three children threw themselves in the river. They were trying to swim to the other side. And there has been significant infrastructure damage,” said the mayor, who fled the town with his family and is now in Bamako.”
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