These very Makhdooms are now trying push through the creation of new provinces on ethno-linguistic basis. They intend to create new political fiefdoms for themselves and create new posts of Governors, Chief Ministers & Cabinet Ministers for their progeny. I urge you to launch a strong media campaign against the creation of new provinces on the following lines:-
1) Provinces on ethno-linguistic lines totally negates the ideology of Pakistan which rejects all racial, ethnic & linguistic divisions and brings together all muslims as a nation solely on the basis of their muslim identity. These Siasatbaaz politicians pushing for ethno-linguistic provinces should be branded as anti-Pakistan.
2) Siasatbaaz politicians have no love for people and only wish to create new posts for themselves. Increase of ministerial posts will open up new avenues of misuse of power & corruption. Pakistan's political super-structure is already top heavy and very expensive for a poor country. It needs to be trimmed down to reduce bad governance & corruption and not further increased.
3) The feelings of Administrative Neglect & Under-development in areas peripheral to provincial headquarters i.e. South Punjab, Bhawalpur, Interior Sindh, Hazara etc., can easily be addressed by reviving Commissioners & Division and ensuring fair distribution of development funds through the Provincial Finance Commissions. This solution will not increase the political super-structure.
This haramkhor regime is desperately trying to destroy our beloved Pak sarzameen, astaghfurullah...

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