Friday, February 3, 2012

Learn from history !

Learn from history how the enemies created hatred against Pak army to weaken them in the battle field. Today, the same same sinister tactics are being used by the enemies through Media, judiciary, political parties and terrorists to prove that Pakistan army is involved in killing of innocent people in FATA and Baluchistan and army action against "innocent" people must stop! These snakes will never speak against TTP and BLA just they never speak against the Mukti Bahini of the 1971 era. The media is flushed with money from CIA and RAW and their prime target is army and ISI. These traitors have sold their soul to the devil. Don't you see how our media have become shamelessly Indianized that even the prime time news contains filthy Indian language and songs? All channels are doing this to destroy Pakistan's ideology, identity and armed forces.

They told you that Pakistan army did not fight in 1971 and it killed and raped thousands of "innocent" Bengalis. Read this extract from the book of an Indian General.

If you fall for this propaganda today, then you will be an instrument of Kuffar against Medina e Sani and Ummat e Rasul (sm). Army may have made mistakes but it is they who are keeping us safe today and the enemies are desperate to destroy our army and ISI. Defend your forces strongly and with full force. There is no compromise here.


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