Allama Iqbal had most severely attacked Darul Uloom deoband for their anti-Muslim policies and had compared Hussian Ahmed Madni with Abu Lahab ! This is a fact and cannot be denied. If anyone has any problem with this fact, pl fight with Baba Iqbal.
Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani was part of Deoband. He left deoband and started his own Jamaat, Jamiat e Ulama e Islam, which was later hijacked by Congressi Deobandis like Fazlur rehman's father Mufti Mehmood. Followers and children of Allama Shabbir Ahmaed usmani still remain patriotic Pakistanis but the huge majority of Deoband still follow the policies of Jamiat ulama e Hind, which remain anti-Pakistan.
DO NOT be stupid and do not accuse us of spreading hatred against any sect. There are criminals in all sects and ethnic parties of Pakistan. Your loyalties must be with Rasul Allah(sm) and with Pakistan NOT with your sect especially of they are wrong. Remember this.
Jamiat-e-Ulema-Hind was opposed to idea of Pakistan
Speaking on the issue of reservation for Muslims and recent communal riots in Muzzaffarnagar in Uttar Pradesh and Gopalgarh in Rajasthan, Madani had charged the Sonia-led Congress with trying to create a fear from Gujarat Chief Minister and the BJP Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi among Muslims to polarise the electorate and win the 2014 Lok Sabha election. He had also stated that Congress will face the wrath of Muslims in the upcoming State Assembly elections in Rajasthan and elsewhere. Muslims have suffered a lot during five years of Congress rule in Rajasthan and they should vote ‘judiciously’ in upcoming elections, he said. Madani also said the Congress Government in Rajasthan and Samajwadi Party (SP) Government in Uttar Pradesh ‘mishandled’ the recent Gopalgarh riots and Muzaffarnagar violence in their respective States. He, in short, had hit out at the Congress for its negative politics and took on the SP and the Congress for their utter failure to defend and promote the interests of his co-religionists.
All right thinking Indians would endorse what Madani said about the Congress and the SP. Indeed, the history of the Congress and the SP is one of divide and rule and vote-bank politics. These and similar other fake secular parties, including the Leftists, have all along created schism in the society to promote their narrow vested interests at the cost of the nation and the State. They are responsible for hampering the process of nation-building and creating bitterness and animosities among the communities and castes. There should be no doubt about it. In fact, bulk of the nation has now realised their baneful influence on the Indian polity and society and started looking towards a credible alternative. It is evident from the enthusiastic response Narendra Modi has been evoking across the country.
The statements of Madani can also be construed as a manifestation of the changing attitude of the people towards the Congress and similar other divisive outfits and an indication that the Indian electorate has found in the person of Narendra Modi a leader who can lead the country aright and hand down to the people a system of governance that is based on the principles of justice and equity. However, it is also time to reflect on what Madani said about the role of Jamiat during the Indian freedom struggle and his suggestion that the Jamiat leadership opposed the Pakistan plan. Such an exercise is imperative to put things in perspective. It’s true that the Jamiat — which was founded in 1919 by Deoband and which after the death of the Khilafat Movement became the political organ of Dar-ul-Uloom — was rabidly anti-British. Dar-ul-Uloom (House of Learning) was founded by Maulana Mohammed Qasim Nanawtawi in 1867 as a counterpoise to Sir Syed Ahmad Khan’s pro-British movement and train young Muslim men in theology and Islamic history. It’s also true that the Jamiat stood for united nationalism, advocated territorial, as against religious, nationalism, offered unconditional support to the Congress as far as the freedom struggle was concerned and opposed the Pakistan plan.
But it’s also a fact of history that the real motive of the Jamiat was to convert India into an Islamic State. It is clear from the Jamiat’s aims and objectives, as also from what its leadership said while opposing the Pakistan plan in 1940. Its aims and objectives were “to defend Islam, Islamic rituals and customs and Islamic nationalism against all odds injurious to them; to achieve and protect the general religious and national rights of the Muslims; to establish good and friendly relations with the non-Muslims of the country to the extent permitted by the Shariat-i-Islamiyah; and to fight for the freedom of the country and religion according to the Shari objectives”.
And its arguments against the Pakistan were: “The Pakistan demand has British support and is nothing but an instrument forged by them to further their policy of divide and rule; Pakistan will split and, therefore, weaken the Muslims in India; our real enemy is British imperialism and our only duty to defeat it, only a united action can achieve this; Muslims left behind India after separation will be at the mercy of the Hindus; partition will hinder the missionary activities of the Ulema; Muslim League leaders are ignorant of Islam, have no ideology, and are only exploiting the name of Islam for the worldly gain of Muslim vested interest; and Muslim League leaders are incapable of building up an Islamic state and their Pakistan will be no better than the Turkey of Mustafa Kamal”.
However, to point out the aims and objectives of the Jamiat and the grounds on which it opposed the Pakistan plan is not to undermine the Jamiat chief’s formulations on the Congress and the SP. Madani did the right thing by hitting the nail on the head and exposing the Congress and the SP. One can only hope that the Muslims across the country would follow Madani, discard all the pseudo-secular and fake democratic outfits and turn towards the BJP and Narendra Modi, who do not discriminate between man and man on the grounds of religion, caste, community and region. Besides, they have to eschew the ideology that seeks to convert India into an Islamic state.
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