The biggest cancer and threat to Muslim Ummah is from Israel. Hindu Zionists are counting upon Israeli Zionists to force the US/NATO to wage a war against Pakistan sarzameen. The entire Muslim world is now on fire and being decimated one by one. Pakistan is the last frontier of the Ummah. Today, Israel, India and their useful idiot US has encircled the Medina e Sani.
Now we will have to fight a multi prong war on all diplomatic, political, media and military axis. Israeli and Indian death squads are already operating deep inside Pakistan and Iran. It is time that Pakistan form a strategic alliance with China, Iran, Russia and Turkey to destroy the snake called US/NATO which would destroy the game of Israelis and Hindu Zionists.
Those who do not believe us should look at Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Egypt and now Syria...... Only fools or traitors can ignore the threat now!
Our message to the Indians. Israelis would use you to attack and wage a war against Pakistan. You are already doing that. Remember this - for thousands of years Muslim armies from greater Khurasan have been charging into India and conquering Delhi and making you slaves. Do NOT provoke Pakistan and the Muslims of khurasan. This time we will NOT take prisoners!
Just witness the difference between Pakistani government's reaction to US threats and our neighbouring Muslim country Iran's reaction.Iran has managed to survive without United States of American for around 31 years and they have managed fairly well at least their citizens didn't have to pay the price.Only because their leader is not spineless as ours have been.The strength of a Muslim is determined by his Imaan and the propaganda that we see about Islam in the media today unfortunately is backed by the actions of such Muslims who are just born in a Muslim family and bring shame to the beauty of Islam.The media obviously does a commendable job to highlight them as they are exemplary Muslims.
No doubt Iran Is much stronger than Pakistan. Irani president Ahmad is one of the great leader do allot for Muslim ummah like decrease fair of Umrah visa Hajj visa as its not possible to every one to offer Hajj as its not in the range of every one.
Just witness the difference between Pakistani government's reaction to US threats and our neighbouring Muslim country Iran's reaction.Iran has managed to survive without United States of American for around 31 years and they have managed fairly well at least their citizens didn't have to pay the price.Only because their leader is not spineless as ours have been.The strength of a Muslim is determined by his Imaan and the propaganda that we see about Islam in the media today unfortunately is backed by the actions of such Muslims who are just born in a Muslim family and bring shame to the beauty of Islam.The media obviously does a commendable job to highlight them as they are exemplary Muslims.
No doubt Iran Is much stronger than Pakistan. Irani president Ahmad is one of the great leader do allot for Muslim ummah like decrease fair of Umrah visa Hajj visa as its not possible to every one to offer Hajj as its not in the range of every one.
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