Saturday, February 4, 2012

Raising hell over “extra judicial” killing of terrorists.

We found this very interesting video and wanted to share it with you. It is NOT made by BrasTacks or our volunteers.

In the last 11 years, despite over a 100,000 Pakistanis killed and wounded in a massive war against the state, army and the ISI, the judicial system of the country has NOT convicted a single terrorist!! The entire judicial system has collapsed.

The terrorists terrorize the judiciary, media and the Police and get away every time! Isn’t this incredible that despite thousands of red handed arrests and irrefutable evidence, the terrorists always get away. Then the media and the courts start a massive campaign against the army.

The terrorists not just manage to blackmail and threaten the judicial system and disappear but also plot to put the blame for “missing” persons on the army and the ISI. This is how they do it. Watch the story of the 11 “missing” terrorists! media and politicians are now raising hell over “extra judicial” killing of these terrorists.


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