Tuesday, July 9, 2013

This message is from the admin Team of BrassTacks.

This message is from the admin Team of BrassTacks.

Dear members, please note some critical points to be on this page.

This is a decent, mature, visionary and patriotic Islamic page where we fight a sacred battle for mission Takmeel e Pakistan. You are on this page because you want to read and follow the mission and vision of Zaid Hamid sb.

Please remain extremely decent, dignified and honorable when writing here. We follow zero tolerance policy towards all abusive, vulgar and dirty language. All such posts would be immediately blocked without notice.

DO NOT spread sectarian, ethnic, religious or nationalistic hatred against person, group or nation. We are Muslims in ideology and Pakistanis in identity and nothing else.

Also remain extremely respectful to Zaid Hamid sb. He is our elder, teacher and mentor and we expect adab and respect for him. You can ask questions from him but disrespectful and beyadab attitude would not be tolerated.

DO NOT make fun of the posts, messages or vision given here. Every post is made after aproval from ZH sahib. DO NOT insult what is sacred and respectful to us. Any negative comment against Islam, Baba Iqbal, Quaid, Pakistan army, Pakistan's ideology would be deleted immediately. These are settled issues and will not be debated here. If you disagree, comment decently or stay silent. DO not prove that you are an arrogant ignorant beyadab person.

DO NOT write in Roman Urdu. Use English or proper Urdu to write. We guard our language jealously and even decent comments will be deleted or hidden if written in Roman Urdu.

If you can read this post, then you are already on your battle station. You can contribute to the mission by spreading the message and sharing it with friends and family. That is the real battle now.

Sorry for being harsh, but we DO NOT run a democracy here. This is your moment to join the most romantic and passionate strggle for Takmeel e Pakistan. Remain dignified and there will be enough glory for all to share. khair inshAllah.


Mohandis AL Amsari. AURANGABAD. said...

Salam Alaekum,
Dear Sir, If I have done any mistake unknowingly then please kindly forgive me, I will be decent inshaAllah.

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