Tuesday, September 3, 2013

They all stand alone, divided and die lonely deaths.... But they never learn.....

This is the shameful behavior of those who are about to be doomed !! After the hanging of Saddam, Qaddafi tried to warn the rest of the Arab leaders that their turn is also close. Imagine, they all laughed about it, including Bashar ul Assad !! Just a few months later Qaddafi was also slaughtered and now it is Bashar's turn....

They all stand alone, divided and die lonely deaths.... But they never learn..... Innaillahe inna ilehe rajeoon...

Their stupidity kills millions of Muslims while they dig their own graves. Our leaders are also exactly the same... when we warn them, they laugh about it and make fun and jokes... as they are doing now.


Mohandis AL Amsari. AURANGABAD. said...

" The people who have destined to be burn down in hell fire, always have mocked the Warner".

When Prophet Nooh (A.SLAM)warned his people about the inevitable wrath of God, then those peoples were mocking him, they were entertaining to see and show his ship, and mocking".

But when the wrath of God came in the form of Flood, then they all died.

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