Let us make it very clear -- North Waziristan or any other part of the country WILL NOT separate from Pakistan because Pak army wants to crush the Khawarij. Those who spread such lies are either useful fools or deliberate enemies but NOT our friends. If we do not crush the Khawarij, only then there is threat to the millat and the State.
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) has already passed the final verdict on Khawarij -- it is death through sword and NO mercy to these dogs of hell !! Pak army will only implement this judgement from Allah (swt) and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).
Stand united and stand firm with Pak army and fiercely attack anyone who tries to create doubts. We are in war and creating doubts is an unforgiving crime.
Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind !

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