Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Let us further elaborate the system and leadership in Khilafat e Rashida

Let us further elaborate the system and leadership in Khilafat e Rashida. Many ask us what should be the criteria of the Ameer? Who would select that ameer or group of candidates to select the ameer from? How will the transition of power take place? Who will decide who is qualified to become an Ameer ?

Any person who has the qualities, faith, determination and honesty of Quaid e Azam can be the Ameer in a Khilafat e Rashida model of governance. Quaid is a living example that such people are born even today. The article 62, 63 of the constitution gives a broad outline of any person who qualifies to become a leader.

1. He should be an honest Sadiq and Ameen Muslims.
2. He should be passionate about Pakistan and Islam.
3. He should be avoiding the "gunah e Kabeera" the great sins like Riba, adultry, wine, Shirk, haram earning etc....

Alhamdolillah, there are millions of Muslims in Pakistan who qualify this criteria. Everyone is sinful but it is actually not difficult to find people like Quaid even today. Iqbal had called him "un-corruptible, un-purchasable" !! A competent man with passion for the Ummah, having sincerity and capability is all that it takes. Any short comings are compensated by the sincere and competent advisors, mutual consultations, discussions and Shoora within the leaders to help run the affairs of the state. It is really not that complicated.

It is the strength and power of the Khilafat e Rashida model that it is designed for the brave and free men who are answerable only to Allah (swt) and Rasul Allah (sm) and follow the strongest and dynamic institution of Ijtihad rather than a fixed man made legislation called constitution.

In the original Khilafat e Rashida, we see that all 4 righteous Caliphs were appointed differently, under Ijtihad by the Sahaba.

1. Sayyadna Abubakr was appointed by virtue of his huge stature within the Muslim society. No one could compete against him and all agreed unconditionally.

2. Sayyadna Umer was appointed by Sayyadna Abu bakr when Sayyadna Abubakr was close to passing away. The entire Muslim community accepted this decision as both Sayyadna Abu bakr and Sayyadna were most respected.

3. When the last days of Sayyadna Umer arrived, he selected / appointed 6 people from within the community and asked the Muslims to elect anyone from them. This is the model adopted by Iran today. Muslims selected Sayyadna Usman from the earlier shortlisted group of finest of men.

4. When Sayadna Usman was martyred suddenly, Muslims in Medina requested and appointed Sayyadna Ali by consensus.

All 4 Caliphs were appointed through separate procedures, depending upon the circumstances and environment of the time, through Ijtihad and general consensus within the Muslim society. This great flexibility of the Islamic political model gives it the strength to adopt to the changing national and regional security situaiton and Geo-politics, without restricting it under a man made myopic set of rules made for a particular time.

All the Ameer / Caliphs were appointed for life, unless they deviated from Quran and Sunnah, which they never did.

In Pakistan army, an officer is promoted on the basis of his performance within the organization and finally he makes up to the finest of the lot as the Corp Commander. Then when a former Chief retires, a new one is selected by the President from these finest 20 Lt generals. There is NO democracy in army but great consultation and advice within top officers and within lower ranks but the final say is with the army chief. This is a very unique and robust system which makes the army so efficient. In many ways very similar to Khilafat e Rashida model of governance at national levels.

Rasul Allah (sm) has advised us that even if a black slave without his nose is appointed over us as leader but he takes us on the path of Quran and Sunnah, then we must obey him!! It is a great sin to rebel against an Ameer who is not violating any rule of Quran and Sunnah. Islamic political model is based on supremacy of Quran and Sunnah, sincerity of the leader, collective wisdom of the advisors and society and the most powerful institution of Ijtihad, which allows dynamic decision making for all times to come, without being restrcited by man made set of rules. Only Quran and Sunnah are undisputed. Rest, all laws, can be changed, improved, modified and adjusted according to the needs of the time and space.

So, for Pakistan, if we just have decent human beings, who are sincere with Pakistan and have the knowledge about their subjects, as our group of leaders -- patriotic, technocratic, basic Muslims -- it would be enough for us for now. Take this advice of Hazrat Wasif Ali Wasif. There is great wisdom in this. Khair inshAllah.



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