Saturday, January 26, 2013

There is no point in celebrating the Milad if you are not willing to fight to establish the deen of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm)

There is no point in celebrating the Milad if you are not willing to fight to establish the deen of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). The false gods of today are Democracy, Secularism, Capitalism, Freedom of speech, Banks, paper currency, political parties, Anglo-Saxon laws and "supreme parliament" concept!

This is the time of fitnah and Dajjal and false gods are not made of wood or stone but of sophisticated concepts, systems and laws. The existing democracy is another name for Secularism and Capitalism and Riba. Now this millat will have to decide which side they want to take. Munafiqat will not be forgiven now.


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