Sunday, May 26, 2013

Even the founding fathers of the US knew that the private banks printing bank notes would destroy the US freedom into slavery of the banks.

Even the founding fathers of the US knew that the private banks printing bank notes would destroy the US freedom into slavery of the banks. It has happened today. Every American is a slave to the banks -- in debt through credit cards, mortgage and loans.

This is the reason why Allah (swt) and Rasul Allah (sm) have declared war on the entire banking system. Anti-Riba movement is now strong in the Ummah and we are on the side of our Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm), fighting against the Riba and its instruments/Institutions.

Educate yourself and be prepared to fight back. Lanat Allah on Riba, Ahlan Wa sahlan to Khilafat e Rashida's real wealth based Tijarat and Baitul Maal !! Watch our series Economic Terrorism and Khilafat e Rashida. This is the war Allah wants us to fight today.


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