Sunday, May 26, 2013

When there was real currency in Gold and Silver, the entire Ummah was free

When there was real currency in Gold and Silver, the entire Ummah was free, without borders, without visas, without currency exchanges, without Central banks or private banks ! Muslims traded in market places, traveled great distances, paid no income tax or sales tax and there was zero inflation, meaning that prices would not rise in hundreds of years !!

1400 years ago, a chicken was 1 silver Dirham. Even today a chicken in 1 Dirham !! Can any currency in the world give this much stability??

It is a curse that humanity is stuck in fake paper system, run by zionist bankers, with massive inflation, central bank controls which is enslaving the entire humanity. The war against Riba is not for Muslims alone but for entire humanity. Every human being of the planet must join the forces of Allah (swt) and Rasul Allah (sm).


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