Friday, July 12, 2013

This is why my heart bleeds today, when I see the nation and its pygmy leaders making the same blunders over and over again.

In 1992, I had completed my Afghan Mission and had begun advising the Pakistani top leadership on the blunders they were making in post Soviet Afghanistan. The blunders made at that time, are costing us heavily today. Every crisis, every scenario of war today was predicted, analyzed and discussed back then. This is a story of betrayal, treachery, heartbreaks and blunders of catastrophic magnitude. All documented and written down for the present and future generations. InshAllah, soon, you will read them in Urdu also. From Indus to Oxus -- travels in the melting pot of history.

Today, people ask me if I have a formal degree in Defense analysis and Security Management. Yes, my university was Afghan Jihad and have received my education through the trials of blood and sword amid millions of dead and displaced people fighting a super power for their freedom. That is my qualification.

That is why my heart bleeds today, when I see the nation and its pygmy leaders making the same blunders over and over again. Ya Allah Khair !!


Mohandis AL Amsari. AURANGABAD. said...

" In spite of your comparatively younger age " you have been exposed to such realities and you have been trained, this is the training of the Allah SWT, there is no other person than you in your vision and wisdom in entire subcontinent".
" Hazaron Saal Nargis apni benoori pe roti hae"
"Tab kahin hota hae Chaman mein Deeda war paeda".

Sorry for the roman urdu sir, but I could'nt found any comparable stanza in english.

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