Friday, August 23, 2013

The Chemical weapons attack in Syria has killed thousands of innocent Muslims

Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon !!

The Chemical weapons attack in Syria has killed thousands of innocent Muslims, mostly women and children. This war crimes has now added another sinister dimension to the already bloody war raging in the Muslim heartland. Both sides fighting are guilty of war crimes and the only victims are the Ummat of Rasul Allah (sm).

Recite Fatiha for your brothers, sisters and children of Syria as well as Egypt, Iraq and Libya and other Muslim lands. With Pakistan already under deadly chaos, now all major Muslim countries are trapped by the Zionists, Crusaders, Kharjis and Mushriks, Astaghfurullah !!

This is time for tauba, astaghfar, dua and sabr for all our leaders are sold out to the Kufr !

Do dua for Turkey as now the enemies plan to strike at our brothers there. Ya Allah Karam....

Khair inshAllah !


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