Remember this -- for the enemies you are all part of one millat e Islamia and they do not differentiate between your sects, parties or languages. When enemies attack a Muslim land, they kill without prejudice, rape without discrimination, loot without mercy. Look at the Muslims of Iraq, Syria and Libya and now Egypt also -- killed for being Muslims only. Now the enemies are coming after Pakistan.
Today, we see you divided between sects, parties, groups and ethnic loyalties. Fear Allah and wake up for Allah's sake. Today, Allah will not look at your sects or parties. He will look at your Niyat, sincerity and efforts to defend this millat against Crusaders, Khawarij and Mushriks. Remember this clearly.
Our ideology is Islam, our identity is Pakistan. That all. Very soon, this whole system would collapse and even more dangerous and testing times could begin while Allah separates the munafiqs from Momineen. DO NOT be on the wrong side of history. This nation and its leaders are not showing any signs of tauba. This is dangerous... Khair inshAllah !
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