Sunday, January 27, 2013

Have you ever thought why the Zionists want to bring democracy to the Muslim world?

 Photo: Have you ever thought why the Zionists want to bring democracy to the Muslim world -- even slaughtering millions for this Kufr???? 

It is Farz, Wajib and Sunnah on the Ummah, scholars and the youth to fight against the greatest Bidaat, Shirk and Kufr of all times --- Democracy backed by Capitalism backed by Banks backed by Riba backed by Paper currency !!! If you cannot see this system of Bidaat, then all your understanding of deen, Quran and Sunnah is fake, false and fraud and you are deaf, dumb and blind to the point of no return!! It does not matter which sect you belong to or which alim you follow -- if you are comfortable with Democracy brought through the US B52 bombers and Riba eating Bankers, then you are no different than Abu Jahal. 

This is our message to those who fight within Muslims on petty sectarian issues but are most comfortable with the greatest Bidat and KKufr of all times. Wake up and do astaghfar or be prepared to be erased. Allah does not need more of Abu Jahals. Ask Saddam and Qaddafi.....
Have you ever thought why the Zionists want to bring democracy to the Muslim world -- even slaughtering millions for this Kufr????

It is Farz, Wajib and Sunnah on the Ummah, scholars and the youth to fight against the greatest Bidaat, Shirk and Kufr of all times --- Democracy backed by Capitalism backed by Banks backed by Riba backed by Paper currency !!! If you cannot see this system of Bidaat, then all your understanding of deen, Quran and Sunnah is fake, false and fraud and you are deaf, dumb and blind to the point of no return!! It does not matter which sect you belong to or which alim you follow -- if you are comfortable with Democracy brought through the US B52 bombers and Riba eating Bankers, then you are no different than Abu Jahal.

This is our message to those who fight within Muslims on petty sectarian issues but are most comfortable with the greatest Bidat and KKufr of all times. Wake up and do astaghfar or be prepared to be erased. Allah does not need more of Abu Jahals. Ask Saddam and Qaddafi.....


Mohandis AL Amsari. AURANGABAD. said...

Whatever you has written is 100% correct,

It is Farz, Wajib and Sunnah on the Ummah, scholars and the youth to fight against the greatest Bidaat, Shirk and Kufr of all times --- Democracy backed by Capitalism backed by Banks backed by Riba backed by Paper currency !!! If you cannot see this system of Bidaat, then all your understanding of deen, Quran and Sunnah is fake, false and fraud and you are deaf, dumb and blind to the point of no return!! It does not matter which sect you belong to or which alim you follow -- if you are comfortable with Democracy brought through the US B52 bombers and Riba eating Bankers, then you are no different than Abu Jahal.

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