Friday, June 14, 2013

Pay the bloodsucking Draculas of Zionist banks !! All those who wanted democracy, are you happy now ????

The government suck the blood of the people through thousands of direct and indirect taxes and then pay the bloodsucking Draculas of Zionist banker !! See the figures -- Almost the entire text collected is being spent on debt servicing on the laons which the governments have taken and put in their own pockets and now the people have to bleed to pay them back on Riba ! Astaghfurullah !!

Just as Zardari government, the entire focus of this Nawaz government is also on taxes and taking loans.

You will note that NOT a single rupees of income is allocated under the head "recovery of looted wealth", that means that all the $50 billion dollars of corruption done under Zardari regime is now legalized and will NOT be recovered!! Pakistan's defence gets on 17% of the total budget and still they say they want to reduce the defense budget but not control the corruption and luxuries!!

All those who wanted democracy, are you happy now ????

We had given the alternate systems, given the plan for a patriotic caretaker government, had written the blueprint of the Khilafat e Rashida model, had created the real wealth based Gold and silver coins and had invited the naiton towards the Khilafat Model. But the people wanted Kufr, democracy, Riba and anglo-saxon laws. Now the millat will pay for the collective sins of all. Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon !!

InshAllah, there is khair in the end, but before that lots of blood will be spilled, lots of tears will be shed, lots of taxes will have to be paid. This is a punishment we will all have to bear.


Mohandis AL Amsari. AURANGABAD. said...

The situation is like this,.

"We had given the alternate systems, given the plan for a patriotic caretaker government, had written the blueprint of the Khilafat e Rashida model, had created the real wealth based Gold and silver coins and had invited the naiton towards the Khilafat Model. But the people wanted Kufr, democracy, Riba and anglo-saxon laws. Now the millat will pay for the collective sins of all. Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon !! ".

If the public is NaLaeQ, then the Laeq persons Shouls and Must confisticate the power and Government from their hands,.

The Laeq persons should not keep Bharosa on these NaLaeq public.

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