Thursday, June 27, 2013

Slowly, Imran is accepting his mistakes,We urge him to listen to us on 4th GW, insurgencies, change of political, judicial and economic systems and on how to bring about an Islamic social order!

Slowly, Imran is accepting his mistakes, his wrong analysis and wrong strategies, which we too had been warning him about all along. Now we ask him to reconsider his opinion about TTP also, just as he has realized his blunder on Azaad adlia and azaad election commission !!

We urge him to listen to us on 4th GW, insurgencies, change of political, judicial and economic systems and on how to bring about an Islamic social order. His present strategies are all doomed to fail, just as their election analysis was. There is still time for IK. Soon, he would lose control of everything he has. The system is heading for a disaster.


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