Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Time has come for the Eagles to make their stand against the Vultures !!!

Despite knowing fully well that this democracy would destroy Pakistan and is a Haram political model designed by the Dajjal to maintain its hold over the Ummah, these politicians, judges and the media want to continue with it. Why ??? Here is the reason.

They are vultures who feed on the dead political, economic and judicial systems. Vultures never eat fresh like Eagles. These political, economic and judicial systems are not just dead, they are decaying also and these vultures feed on their filth.

We refuse to accept the Haram. This democracy is a choice between meat of the Pig or the meat of the dog !! We reject this haram and would rather fight and die than to accept this haram.

Time has come for the Eagles to make their stand against the Vultures !!!


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