Saturday, August 17, 2013

Today, is the day of Sahadaat of General Zia Shaheed, a true hero of Pakistan and Muslim Ummah

Photo: Today, is the day of Sahadaat of General Zia Shaheed. Most of the young generation of Pakistan do not know this great man. Liberal secular, Hindus, Israelis and the Americans hated him to that extent that he was finally assassinated by the a joint Israeli-India conspiracy. When Hindus, Israelis, liberal secular speak against him, you should know that he as a true hero of Pakistan and Muslim Ummah. 

He destroyed the Soviet Union, saw eye ball to eye ball with the Americans, built strong relations with China and almost destroyed India by supporting Kashmir and Khalistan movements. Muslim world asked him to lead the Ummah and represent them in UN, making him the leader of the Muslim world and Pakistan as the leading nation. General Zia added the Objectives resolution into Pakistan's Constitution to decisively crush the secular who wanted to make Pakistan a secular state. The brave General developed the nuclear and missile program to perfection and it was in his time that we had already become a nuclear power. 

He Had defended the Afghan Mujahideen who were fighting against the Soviets. He understood that any foreign power in Afghanistan would ultimately come and destroy Pakistan. Today, when Americans are in Afghanistan, his words are hauntingly true when a new war is being waged against our Pak sarzameen. He had courage, passion and vision to help Afghan Muslims and to save Pakistan. He opened gateways for Chinese Muslims to perform Hajj and Umra. He brought peace in Iran-Iraq war and united the Ummah. 

We grew up in his time when PTV showed most romantic historical dramas from Islamabad history and men like Ashfaq Ahmed sahib controlled the moral and spiritual direction of media. It was in General Zia's time that we all started to celebrate August 14th as we do today. 

May Allah bless his soul. He lived like a Mujahid and was killed by Kuffar to die a shaeed's death. Recite Fatiha for his soul. He was one of the finest General of Pakistan army !!!Today, is the day of Sahadaat of General Zia Shaheed. Most of the young generation of Pakistan do not know this great man. Liberal secular, Hindus, Israelis and the Americans hated him to that extent that he was finally assassinated by the a joint Israeli-India conspiracy. When Hindus, Israelis, liberal secular speak against him, you should know that he as a true hero of Pakistan and Muslim Ummah.

He destroyed the Soviet Union, saw eye ball to eye ball with the Americans, built strong relations with China and almost destroyed India by supporting Kashmir and Khalistan movements. Muslim world asked him to lead the Ummah and represent them in UN, making him the leader of the Muslim world and Pakistan as the leading nation. General Zia added the Objectives resolution into Pakistan's Constitution to decisively crush the secular who wanted to make Pakistan a secular state. The brave General developed the nuclear and missile program to perfection and it was in his time that we had already become a nuclear power.

He Had defended the Afghan Mujahideen who were fighting against the Soviets. He understood that any foreign power in Afghanistan would ultimately come and destroy Pakistan. Today, when Americans are in Afghanistan, his words are hauntingly true when a new war is being waged against our Pak sarzameen. He had courage, passion and vision to help Afghan Muslims and to save Pakistan. He opened gateways for Chinese Muslims to perform Hajj and Umra. He brought peace in Iran-Iraq war and united the Ummah.

We grew up in his time when PTV showed most romantic historical dramas from Islamabad history and men like Ashfaq Ahmed sahib controlled the moral and spiritual direction of media. It was in General Zia's time that we all started to celebrate August 14th as we do today. 

General Zia was NOT responsible for sectarian violence in Pakistan.

In 1979, Iranian revolution had come in the region. Arabs, Saudis and Iraqis were afraid of it and both Iranians and Arabs started their proxy wars inside Pakistan. Both Shia and Sunni terrorst groups were created and sectarian wars began and that had created crisis for Pakistan. General Zia had NOT started this war nor General Zia brought about the Iranian revolution. He tried his best to bring peace within Arab and Irani Muslims and tried to stop the Iran-Iraq war. In fact, General Zia greatly helped Iran in those difficult times when Iran was under sanctions. That is the fact.

Pakistan was subjected to all sorts of terrorism in those days as well just as we are seeing now. When nations achieve great mission, enemies also plot and plan. Al-Zulfiqar was the biggest terrorist group in those days run by Benazir, Shanawaz and Murtaza Bhutto, children of Bhutto. You never hear these liberal seculars mention that to you???

May Allah bless his soul. He lived like a Mujahid and was killed by Kuffar to die a shaeed's death. Recite Fatiha for his soul. He was one of the finest General of Pakistan army !!!


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